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7 Tips for better communication with remote teams

Communication is one of the most important aspects of any successful team – be it physically present in the same office, or geographically dispersed. 

With the present condition of affairs, the majority of individuals are working remotely. In the digital age, the 40-hour workweek is obsolete.

But effective communication between remote teams poses its own unique set of challenges. From managing expectations to overcoming language barriers, navigating the remote workplace comes with a set of obstacles. 

However, with some thoughtful steps and practices, remote teams can develop the skills to communicate effectively regardless of their geographical location.

Importance of effective communication with remote teams

In recent years, remote work has become more prevalent than ever before. Many organizations are transitioning from traditional in-person work environments to remote work arrangements. Remote teams are made up of individuals working in different locations, who must rely on technology to stay connected and collaborate on projects. While remote work has its benefits, it also presents unique challenges, particularly in terms of communication.

Effective communication is crucial for remote teams to function well. When team members are working in different locations, there is a higher risk of miscommunication and misunderstandings. Without the right communication strategies, remote workers may feel disconnected, isolated, and unproductive. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that communication within remote teams is efficient, transparent, and inclusive.

One of the most significant challenges in remote communication is the lack of face-to-face interaction. Without visual cues, team members may struggle to interpret tone, meaning, and intent. In addition, differences in time zones, language barriers, and cultural norms can make communication even more complex. Therefore, remote teams must prioritize clear and concise communication to avoid confusion and misinterpretation.

Effective communication also builds trust and camaraderie among team members. When team members communicate openly and regularly, they develop a sense of community and shared purpose. This, in turn, leads to greater collaboration, productivity, and creativity.

To ensure effective communication within remote teams, organizations should invest in the right communication tools and platforms. Video conferencing tools, instant messaging apps, and email are all essential tools for remote communication. It is also important to establish clear communication protocols and guidelines to ensure that team members know when and how to communicate with each other.

In summary, effective communication is critical for remote teams to succeed. Clear and concise communication builds trust and fosters collaboration, while also reducing the risk of misunderstandings and miscommunication. Organizations that prioritize effective communication strategies are more likely to build successful remote teams and achieve their goals.

Tips For Better Communication

Here are some tips that can help to have better communication with your remote team:

 1. Create a virtual water cooler

A virtual water cooler is a space where remote team members can come together and connect informally, just like they would at a physical office’s water cooler. The idea is to create a place where team members can chat, share updates, and bond over common interests, all while fostering a sense of community and connection.

Here are a few steps to create a virtual water cooler for your remote team:

Dedicate a space: Choose a communication platform like Akasa Coworking’s Engage app. It is easy to reserve meeting rooms and have seamless virtual interactions, and create a dedicated channel for the virtual water cooler. This channel should be separate from other work-related channels to avoid distractions and keep the conversation light.

Encourage participation: Let team members know that a virtual water cooler is a place for casual conversation, and encourage them to participate. This can be done through regular reminders, or by scheduling regular virtual coffee breaks or happy hours.

Foster a sense of community: Encourage team members to share their hobbies, interests, and personal updates. This can help to foster a sense of community and connection among team members.

Mix it up: To keep things interesting, try to mix it up by hosting different types of virtual events, such as trivia nights, book clubs, or virtual game nights.

Make it inclusive: Be mindful of time zones and schedules, and try to schedule virtual water cooler events at times that are convenient for all team members. It’s also important to be inclusive of all team members and create a safe and welcoming space for everyone.

Creating a virtual water cooler can be a great way to help remote team members feel connected and engaged, even when working remotely. By dedicating a space for casual conversation and fostering a sense of community, you can help to create a more positive and productive remote work environment.

2. Demonstrate compassion for others

Because of the steep learning curve that will unavoidably occur, firms that are new to the world of remote work should be aware of this. Empathy for all employees is one method to make this learning curve less difficult.

Here are a few ways to demonstrate compassion for others:

Listen actively: When someone is speaking, give them your full attention and actively listen to what they are saying. Avoid interrupting or thinking about what you will say next.

Show empathy: Try to understand the other person’s perspective and feelings. Acknowledge their emotions, validate their experiences, and be understanding of their situation.

Be present: Be in the moment and give the other person your full attention. Avoid distractions and show that you are fully engaged in the conversation.

Offer help: If someone is going through a difficult time, offer to help in any way that you can. This can be something as simple as offering a listening ear, or as practical as providing resources or assistance.

Be supportive: Be there for the other person, even if they don’t need your help. Offer words of encouragement, be a shoulder to cry on, and be a supportive friend.

Practice self-compassion: Showing compassion to others starts with being compassionate towards yourself. Take the time to take care of your own needs and emotions, practice self-care, and be kind to yourself.

Lead by example: Demonstrating compassion is contagious, by showing compassion towards others, you are setting an example for others to follow.

Demonstrating compassion for others is an important aspect of building strong relationships and fostering a positive and supportive environment. It takes effort and practice to be compassionate, but it can have a significant impact on the well-being of others and the overall atmosphere of a team or community.

 3. Consider the needs of your team. 

Consideration of the needs of your team is essential for creating a successful and productive work environment. When team members feel that their needs are being taken into account, they are more likely to feel valued, engaged and motivated.

Here are a few ways to consider the needs of your team:

Communicate openly: Encourage open communication within your team, and make sure that everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Regular team meetings, check-ins, and pulse surveys can be helpful in this regard.

Be flexible: Be open to accommodating your plans and strategies as per the needs of your team. This could mean being open to working flexible hours, adjusting deadlines, or reassigning tasks to better suit the strengths of your team.

Provide support: Make sure that your team has the resources and support they need to be successful. This could include providing training, offering mentorship, or providing access to necessary tools and equipment.

Foster a positive work environment: Create an environment where team members feel valued, respected, and supported. Encourage teamwork, collaboration, and open communication.

Show appreciation: Show your team members that you appreciate their hard work and contributions. Recognize their achievements, celebrate their successes, and acknowledge their contributions.

Be understanding: Be understanding of the unique needs and circumstances of each team member. Be sensitive to cultural differences, language barriers, and other factors that may impact a team member’s work.

Involve the team: Involve your team in decision-making and planning. This can help to ensure that their needs and perspectives are taken into account, and can also foster a sense of ownership and engagement among team members.

By considering the needs of your team, you can create a more positive, productive, and successful work environment. When team members feel that their needs are being taken into account, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving shared goals.

4. Ask clarifying questions

When assumptions are made, remote teams can run into difficulty as it can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication. For example, a team member may assume that a task has been completed, while in reality, it has not been started. This can lead to delays, wasted time, and frustration for all team members involved.

Encouraging team members to ask follow-up questions can help to reduce the potential for misunderstandings and assumptions. By asking questions, team members can ensure that they fully understand the information that is being presented, and can clarify any ambiguities or uncertainties. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that tasks and projects are completed accurately and efficiently.

Moreover, it can also help to create a culture of open communication within the remote team. When team members feel comfortable asking questions, they are more likely to share their thoughts and ideas, and contribute to team discussions. This can lead to more effective problem-solving, better decision-making, and a more cohesive team overall.

5. Commemorate accomplishments of the person and the group

Commemorating the accomplishments of both individuals and the group in a remote team is important, as it can help to create a sense of connection, motivation, and engagement among team members, despite being physically apart. Here are a few ways to commemorate the accomplishments of both individuals and the group in a remote team:

Use virtual tools: Utilize virtual tools such as video conferencing, instant messaging, or company-wide announcements to recognize and celebrate individual and team accomplishments. This can be done through virtual team meetings, shoutouts, or even virtual awards ceremonies.

Personalized messages: Send personalized messages of recognition and congratulations to individuals and the team, this can be done through emails, instant messaging, or even video calls.

Create a virtual bulletin board: Create a virtual bulletin board where team members can post and share their accomplishments, this can be a great way for team members to see the progress and achievements of their colleagues.

Celebrate milestones: Celebrate milestones such as work anniversaries, tenure, or long-term project completion with virtual celebrations or rewards.

Share achievements with the company: Share the accomplishments of the remote team with the company as a whole, this can be done through company-wide announcements, newsletters, or social media.

Incorporate the remote team’s accomplishments into goal-setting: Incorporate the remote team’s accomplishments into the goal-setting process, this will help to keep the team motivated and focused on future achievements.

6. Try some team-building activities.

Take some of the traditional team-building exercises and adapt them for the online environment. Using virtual team-building activities is a great way to improve teamwork and promote morale.

Team building activities like happy hours, pub quizzes, and even a game of bingo may help boost morale and remind everyone just how vital it is to communicate with one another. Plus, having fun together makes it easier to operate as a unit.

Once-a-month lunches for the entire team are a great way to smooth out the hierarchies and raise the team’s motivation, as well as a great way to establish trust and improve communication. 

Members of Akasa Coworking’s Club and Connect can take advantage of exclusive deals and discounts at high-end restaurants for team dining, business lunches, and other corporate gatherings.

7. Regular Mood Checks

Regular mood checks are a way for organizations and managers to assess the well-being and morale of their employees, particularly in remote teams where the lack of face-to-face interactions can make it harder to gauge the mood of the team. Mood checks can be done through various methods such as surveys, polls, interviews or other forms of feedback.

Here are a few benefits of conducting regular mood checks:

Identify potential issues: It can help identify potential issues or concerns that team members may be facing. This can include problems with the workload, communication, or even personal issues that may be affecting their work performance.

Improve employee engagement: By regularly checking in on the mood of the team, managers can ensure that employees feel heard and valued. This can help to improve employee engagement and motivation.

Address concerns: By identifying potential issues, managers can take appropriate steps to address them, which can help to improve the overall work environment.

Measure progress: It can also be used to measure progress over time. By comparing the results of mood checks over time, managers can identify trends and see how the team’s mood has changed.

Improve communication: Regular mood checks can help to improve communication within the team and between team members and managers. This can help to foster a more positive and productive work environment.

Tailor support: It can help managers to tailor the support they provide to their team members, this can be done by identifying the specific needs of each team member and addressing them accordingly.

It’s important to keep in mind that regular mood checks should be conducted in a confidential and non-judgmental manner, and the feedback should be used constructively to improve the overall work environment and support the well-being of team members. Regular mood checks can be a valuable tool for managers to understand the mood and well-being of their remote teams, and to take appropriate actions to address any issues that arise.

Akasa Coworking spaces are active in Bangalore, Kolkata, Noida, and Siliguri.

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