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work from home

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way we live and work, with millions of people around the world now working from home. While working from home offers many benefits, such as increased flexibility and the ability to avoid a daily commute, it also presents new challenges, particularly in the area of mental health.

Working alone might be a little unnerving at times. This is especially true for the millennial age, which relies heavily on coworkers for companionship and connection.

19% of Work from home employees said they felt isolated and lonely. It is possible for loneliness to turn into a long-term mental health problem, just as it is possible for a physical illness to do the same.

Working from home comes with its own sets of problems, it’s nearly impossible to maintain a healthy work-life balance, no time off and the employee may be reached at any time and most employees report they don’t have regular working hours anymore.

The impact of working from home on mental health is a complex and multifaceted issue, with a range of factors contributing to the stress and anxiety that many people are experiencing. This blog aims to explore the impact of working from home on mental health and provide tips and strategies for improving your well-being while working remotely.

Among the most frequent reactions one may have been:

  • Feeling socially or professionally alone, lonely, or detached
  • Incapable of turning off one’s work computer
  • Finding it tough to remain inspired.
  • Feeling unsure of your development and whether or not your performance is satisfactory?
  • Feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and having no clear boundaries.

Factors affecting Mental Health while working from home

The shift from a traditional office environment to a home-based one can have significant effects on mental health. The following are some of the factors that can contribute to negative mental health outcomes while working from home.

Stress and anxiety

The lack of separation between work and personal life, the pressure to be productive, and the uncertainty brought on by the pandemic can all contribute to increased levels of stress and anxiety. These feelings can lead to difficulty sleeping, increased worry, and a general sense of unease.


Isolation and loneliness can be significant factors in the development of depression while working from home. The lack of social interaction and support can lead to feelings of hopelessness and a sense of disconnection from others.


Working from home can lead to long hours and the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life, leading to burnout. The constant availability and pressure to be productive can result in physical and mental exhaustion.

Difficulty in separating work and personal life

The lines between work and personal life can become blurred while working from home, leading to an increase in work-related stress and decreased work-life balance. This can lead to a lack of time for personal pursuits, relationships, and other important aspects of life, contributing to feelings of burnout and dissatisfaction.

Strategies to cope with Mental Health challenges while working from home

coping with mental health while working from home

One of the biggest challenges of working from home is the impact it has on our mental health. The lack of social interaction, the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life, and the stress of adjusting to a new work environment can all lead to poor mental health. However, there are strategies that individuals can implement to help cope with these challenges.

Building a routine and structure

Having a routine and structure can help maintain a sense of normalcy while working from home. This includes setting a regular work schedule, taking breaks at the same time each day, and setting aside specific times for activities such as exercise, reading, or hobbies.

Maintaining social connections

Social interaction is a critical aspect of mental health and can often be overlooked while working from home. Regular virtual meetings with coworkers, scheduling virtual coffee breaks or happy hours, or connecting with friends and family can help combat feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Taking breaks and practicing self-care

It’s important to step away from work and engage in self-care activities to recharge and reduce stress. This can include activities such as exercise, meditation, reading, or simply taking a walk. Making time for these activities can help maintain a positive outlook and reduce stress.

Setting boundaries between work and personal life

Working from home can make it difficult to separate work and personal life, leading to burnout and poor mental health. Establishing boundaries such as not checking emails after a certain time, dedicating a specific area of the home as a workspace, and avoiding work-related activities outside of work hours can help maintain a healthy balance.

Working from home can bring unique challenges to mental health, but implementing strategies such as building a routine, maintaining social connections, taking breaks, and setting boundaries can help individuals manage and reduce the impact on their mental health. It’s important to seek support if needed and to remember to be kind to oneself.


Working from home has brought with it unique challenges to mental health. The lack of separation between work and personal life, the pressure to be productive, and the isolation and loneliness can all contribute to negative mental health outcomes.

However, by understanding the factors that contribute to poor mental health and implementing strategies such as building a routine, maintaining social connections, taking breaks, and setting boundaries, individuals can mitigate the impact of working from home on their mental health. It’s important to remember to prioritize self-care and self-compassion, and to seek support if needed.

The shift to working from home has highlighted the importance of addressing mental health in the workplace. Employers can support their employees by providing resources and support, promoting a healthy work-life balance, and encouraging open communication about mental health.

 Akasa Coworking spaces in Kolkata have emerged as a bridge between the home and the corporate workplace.  Working at a coworking space gives you a professional work environment while you’re away from home and a short trip home at the end of the workday helps us mentally shut down work at a certain period and spend uninterrupted time with family.

 Akasa Coworking fosters a sense of community by allowing professionals to congregate in common areas that are well-suited for networking and teamwork.

Akasa Coworking spaces are active in Bangalore, Kolkata, Noida, and Siliguri.

 Be a part of our community and make the most of flexible workspaces and solutions to propel your business ahead.

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